1.    Our Obligations

Enrolment in the Al-Andalus Academy is an agreement between you and Mohamed Ghilan as the tutor and Director of Al-Andalus Academy to provide you with the following services: 

a.    A comprehensive study guide and material covering The Columns including aqidah, fiqh, tawawuf and contemporary issues. 

b.    Sets of notes and webinars for each module in The Columns course.

c.    Quizzes at the end of each module in The Columns course.

d.    The Book Club materials including webinars, notes and additional resources for each book studied

2.    Your Obligations

a.    You agree to be the exclusive recipient of these services. By your enrolment until you cease your enrolment, you are granted a license to use and access the Al-Andalus Academy’s materials. This is a non-exclusive, nontransferable, limited license. You must not disclose or share the information provided to you by virtue of your enrolment in the Al-Andalus Academy to any other person.

b.     The Al-Andalus Academy has the right to terminate your ongoing access to the Al-Andalus Academy materials without refund if you breach clause 2.

c.    If you breach clause 2 by sharing the Al-Andalus Academy material with another person at a time when both you and the other person are not enrolled in the Al-Andalus Academy, you hereby consent to Mohamed Ghilan providing your personal information and a description of the circumstances of the breach of this license agreement to relevant third parties.

3.    Agreement

a.    You agree to the terms and conditions of this license agreement and enrol in the Al-Andalus Academy under these terms and conditions.