Course curriculum
ibn 'Atā-illah | The Book of Illumination
Live Webinar Information
1. The Opening Praise
2. Introduction
3. Whose Choice?
4. Knowing the Law or Knowing Allah
5. Ten Sources of Strength
6. Understanding Divine Gifts
7. The Grace in Deprivation
8. Dropping the Veil
9. Intermission 1
10. True Submission
11. Allah's Choice
12. The Taste of Faith
13. The Stations of Certainty
14. The Preexisting Measure
15. The Measure to Realize the Measure
16. Guests in Allah's Dominion
17. The Cure for Anxiety
18. Ignorance of the Outcome
19. The People of Understanding
20. The Root of Original Sin
21. The Benefits of Eating from the Prohibited Tree
22. Exercising Free Will
23. The Station and Surrender of Servitude
24. Your Will or God's Will?
25. Removing Oneself from the Measure
26. Subtle Measures
27. The Ark of Submission
28. The Reliance in Presence
29. An Illuminated Heart
30. Contemplation and Perception
31. The Stations of Taqwa
32. Dealing with the Enemy
33. The Source of Transgression
34. The Outward and Inward of Islam
35. The Station of Servitude
36. The Angels Testify
37. From Fear to Safety
38. The Will is Allah's
39. The Praised Measure
40. Two Measures
Intermission 1
41. The Measure of the Companions
42. Upholding the Means
43. Means and Detachment
44. The Mannerisms of Upholding the Means (Part 1)
45. The Mannerisms of Upholding the Means (Part 2)
46. Disputing with Allah
47. Trusting Allah
48. The Tranquil Self
49. Dependency in Sustenance
50. Intimate Supplication
51. Servitude and Supplication
52. Sacred Etiquette
53. The Essence of Asceticism
54. Preoccupied with Allah
55. The Sole Sustainer
56. Creator and Provider
57. Comprehensive Worship
58. Enduring Righteousness
59. Piety Before Provision
60. Creation's Caregiver
61. Sole Reliance on Allah
62. Sincerity Beyond Appearance
63. Hearts that Perceive
64. Certainty in Divine Provision
65. The Wisdom of Causes
ibn 'Atā-illah | The Hikam (Aphorisms)
Navigating Tasawwuf and Tariqas
Aphorisms 1-5
Aphorisms 6-7
Aphorisms 8-11
Aphorisms 12-14
Aphorisms 15-17
Aphorisms 18-20
Aphorisms 21-23
Aphorisms 24-27
Aphorisms 28-31
Aphorisms 32-34
Aphorisms 35-37
Aphorisms 38-40
Aphorisms 41-44
Aphorisms 45-47
Aphorisms 48-51
Aphorisms 52-54
Aphorisms 55-57
Aphorisms 58-59
Aphorisms 60-62
Aphorisms 63-66
Aphorisms 67-70
Aphorisms 71-73
Aphorisms 74-76
Aphorisms 77-79
Aphorisms 80-82
Aphorisms 83-84
Aphorisms 85-87
Aphorisms 88-91
Aphorisms 92-94
Aphorisms 95-96
Aphorisms 97-98
Aphorisms 99-100
Aphorisms 101-103
Aphorisms 104-106
Aphorisms 107-108
Aphorisms 109-111
Aphorisms 112-114
Aphorisms 115-116
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Aphorisms 215-217
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Aphorisms 221-222
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Aphorisms 231-233
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Aphorisms 238-241
Aphorisms 242-243
Aphorism 244
Aphorisms 245-248
Aphorisms 249-250
Aphorisms 251-253
Aphorisms 254-256
Aphorisms 257-258
Aphorisms 259-261
Aphorisms 262-264
General Themes
Al-Ghazali | Deliverance from Error
Doubting Faith with the Skeptics
The Categories of Seekers
Attaining Certainty with the Sufis
Al-Ghazali | The Inner Dimensions of Fasting
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Al-Junayd | Counsels on the Path
1. Biography of Imam al-Junayd
2. The First Obligation
3. Restrictions of the Path
4. One Path
5. Making Claims
6. The Knower of God
7. The Path of Sufism
8. The Reality of Thankfulness
9. Talking Aqīdah
10. Abundant Remembrance
11. Approaching Prayer
12. Prayer Beads
13. Servitude & Freedom
14. Uprightness
15. Few Rak'ats
Muhammed Mawlud | Prohibitions of the Tongue
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4 (Ruling on Music)
Lesson 5
Lesson 6